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Devil's Paw -book 4 Web SmallJust warning everyone that this will be a bit spoilerish if you haven’t read Devil’s Paw (Imp Series, book 4) yet. 

I agonized over ending Devil’s Paw where I did. Leaving Sam badly injured, banished to Hel, her bond with Gregory broken was just as painful to me as it was to readers.  Sam has grown so much.  She’s learned to care, to love, to risk herself for those she loves and for those in need of protection.  She’s not enormously powerful when compared to the others on the Ruling Council or even among her own demon hierarchy.  The Iblis is a bothersome job, and the sword that comes with the title is capricious and unreliable.  Still, Sam is clever, gutsy, and has some special (although rather icky) skills.  It’s tempting to have Gregory be the muscle, or for her to lean on an ancient artifact to bolster her rather mediocre demon powers. But that’s not how the story goes.

And the true test of growth, of character is what a person chooses to do when they are at their lowest.

Just like The Adversary, I love to test my heroines just to see how deep their strength really runs. I’m now in the revision process for Imp Forsaken, which has a release date of November 1st, 2013.  Yes, I know that’s fricken forever!  I’ll try to make the time pass quicker with a cover reveal early September, some teaser snippets on my Facebook page, and an excerpt prior to release.

I hope when November comes you love reading Imp Forsaken just as much as I loved writing it!



  1. I’ve posted a few tiny peeks on my Facebook page, and plan to post one here in September, plus a first chapter reveal in October. Stay tuned for the cover reveal September 25th too!

  2. So where are the sneak speak snippet chapters of book 5? I want to see Sam whine and get beat on before finally breaking down in her hour of need and Devouring her some new primal creation storage capacity!

    The Deposed King

  3. Thanks Suzi! Unfortunately no pre-order, but I always post here and on my Facebook page when the books are available. November 1st is the release date, but if you’re following either my blog or my Facebook page, you’ll be in-the-know for any early release announcement!

    • Suzi

    • 12 years ago

    I love your writing! Such a great heroine despite herself. When will book 5 be on amazon for preorder?

  4. Thanks, Ashley! Glad you’re enjoying the series.

  5. Thanks for reading, Becky!

    • Becky

    • 12 years ago

    Really enjoyed the series to date. Thanks!

    • Ashley T.

    • 12 years ago

    Can’t wait for the next book!

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