For the first time EVER, A Demon Bound is on sale! Been longing to cut loose with some impish behavior, but not quite ready to commit to Hel yet? This is your chance. Through September 19th, get the first in my Imp Series for 99 cents at Amazon. Come on, you’ve got that much floating around under your sofa cushions!
Go ahead, dip your toes in the lava-hot water and give the Imp Series a try.
Poor Gareth has been run ragged by Sam in Angel of Chaos. He’s a bit backed up on orders right now, but hopes to get those chicken wands out this fall.
Amanda Peters
Mind and wear your imp horns, I find mine give me a sense of tongue in cheek empowerment!
Any word on when the chicken wings are being sent? If they have this little soldier is unwanded!
Yay! The first three are out on audio and the forth is in production. With Amazon’s Wispersynch, you can get the audio for a reduced price when you buy the e-book. It’s a super great deal.
I’m running it through Amazon as a Kindle Countdown deal – I wonder if that’s only US? Hmmm, think I need to grab my chicken wand and have a little chat with the Amazon folks!
Amanda Peters
Me thinks a little demon got in the world and is having a bit of fun in the Amazon Shop!
It’s for sale on at £3.08
And price is $5.01
Woo hoo! I have you on my “Gotta Read” list, but hadn’t bought your books yet due to the fact that I am so broke
but I grabbed the first one since you were nice enough to make the offer. . . I normally only buy a book when I get to it on my list, but now I will be ready when you work your way to the top! Of course, once I find a series I like I wind up buying the whole thing (especially if it is in audio – have to check that!) so this is a great start.
Thank you!