The Baltimore Comic Con is this weekend, and I am going. Although this will be my first time, my brother is a seasoned veteran of comic conventions. He’s always been a huge fan, and, at one point, even owned a small comic book publishing company. He’s schmoozed with everyone, including the big dogs throughout the years, and I’m psyched to have him point out those indy artists, striking out on their own to get their creations in the hands of readers everywhere. I see them as my brothers and sister – comrades in the fight to show the world that there is good art to be found with us little guys.
Fun can also be an opportunity for marketing my book A Demon Bound. We’ve got shirts with catchy slogans, my book cover, and QR codes. I have bookmarks showcasing my website, with my book covers and a QR code to my book at Amazon on the other side. Maybe I’m a silly Pollyanna who will spend a lot of time and money to no avail. Or maybe I’ll actually generate a couple of sales, and get my name out there to a few more people. Or maybe that famous mover and shaker, an “influencer