Necropants – Your Gateway to Financial Freedom debradunbar December 18, 2012 6 Comments Blog 0 A buddy of mine was chatting with her friends about the new Hobbit movie, when one of them, in a hilarious slip of the tongue, called Necromancers “Necropantsers Post Views: 762 Tags:Fiscal Cliff, Icelandic Museum of Sorcery and Witchcraft, necromancy, necropants, scrotum, sorcery, spells, Witchcraft Share:
It does! I’ve got to use this in a book somewhere.
That totally sounds like something out of a Dresden Files book
You’d have some serious serious street cred though. “I skinned a dead guy, and I’m wearing him. Wanna feel my coin-purse?”
sock bun
I’m trying NOT to imagine what those pants would be like after a few bikram yoga classes.
Totally! Ick. And yet. . . hmmmm.
sock bun
I’d imagine those pants would get a little gamey sooner than later. Gross.