HERE I did a rather depressing blog post about the decline of sexual desire in middle aged women, and the contributing factors. But never fear! Sexual desire and frequency is rebounding in elder women. Everyone has heard the anecdotes of STD’s rampant in nursing homes, of infidelity among the retirement communities. That may be an exaggeration, but sexual activity and desire are far more culturally acceptable and encouraged among seniors than they have been in the past. The 1998 release in the US of Viagra opened up a whole world of opportunities for older (and younger) men experiencing sexual dysfunction. More randy, capable, older men means more steamy opportunities for older women. But Viagra did more than just give men rocking erections, it changed the perception of our elderly and sex. The 19th century encouraged older people to embrace a post-sexual life, although men who practiced restraint in their early years were said to be able to “save up
Susan A.
Oooo, that sounded really wrong.
LOL – I’ve got butt to share!
Susan A.
I had friends who ran marathons, but I just couldn’t get the motivation to go that far. Those of you who’ve done them are amazing! Despite the strength in the legs it requires, you are right that it doesn’t equal upper body strength. That’s a whole different work out.
At least you got a booty! I didn’t even get that. I’m probably one of the only women in the world who wishes her butt was just a little bigger, lol.
Yeah, there’s a lot of suspended disbelief when it comes to hero and heroine fitness levels. When I was running marathons (especially shooting for that coveted Boston qualification) I had a tough daily training schedule. My Sunday was entirely given over to The Long Run. Then I read a book where someone (man or woman) leaps off the couch and dashes six miles through the woods, outrunning werewolves. And, as I learned in my Tough Mudder race, being able to run 10 miles in the mud doesn’t mean you suddenly have any upper body strength whatsoever.
Even when I was 102lbs, I still had a big booty. No boobs to speak of, but a big ‘ole booty LOL. So many novels have us believe all Kick Ass Women are built like Barbie.
Susan A.
Lol, I get annoyed when a heroine has a tiny waist and big boobs too. I’ve always been on the small side, but my chest size reflected that. Only with a Victoria’s Secret padded push-up bra can I hope to have any decent cleavage.
Because I tend to read novels with kick-ass heroines, I do expect them to be in good shape. Years of being in the Army proved it takes regular exercise to keep up with the guys. Even when I could run six miles at a nine-minute-a-mile pace, bench press one hundred pounds, and do tons of sit-ups and push-ups, it was hell fighting big muscular guys. The fact that I ever did take them down was amazing, but if I’d been out of shape it would have been impossible (at least without cheating). It drives me nuts if an author misrepresents a female character by not showing how they could possibly be in shape enough to be fighting bad guys all the time. Of course, if they aren’t human and have unnatural strength, that’s a different story. I do take things like that into account.