Angel’s End
Angel’s End by Cindy Holby I’ve got a category on my Kindle called “Unread
Angel’s End by Cindy Holby I’ve got a category on my Kindle called “Unread
Lord of Vengeance by Lara Adrian With the ease of self-publishing, readers are seeing authors purchasing rights back on early, out-of-print novels and releasing electronic versions as well as paperbacks under their own imprints. Kudos to them! What may be low sales to a big name publishers is a tidy income stream to an author, […]
Where the Rain is Made – by Keta Diablo Ethan Gray is a time traveler, sent into history by a Council of spirits to ensure the Cheyenne nation survives their struggles in the late 1800’s against eradication by white soldiers. In spite of the bloodshed and loss, he longs for these missions. They are a […]