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Yes, a vacation. I left my corporate day-job at the end of March and am working on finding my groove with writing as my sole gig. For the last few years, I’ve been in crazy-woman manic mode, putting out 4-6 novels per year along with short stories and novellas, all while juggling my corporate career and my equally important job as a mom. Something had to give, and that something, unfortunately, was me. All those hobbies and activities that make life fun got put on hold. Friends and family would think I had been kidnapped by aliens if not for the occasional book release posts. I’ve put on an alarming fifty pounds, because sitting at a computer for fourteen hours per day and existing on leftover chicken nuggets and pizza doesn’t make for a healthy body.

And the weird thing is when that’s been your life for the last two to three years, you get scared to change it. A friend asks me to meet her for happy hour and I nearly have a panic attack because clearly if I am away from my laptop for 2-3 hours, my book sales will plummet, I’ll lose my house and car, and need to live in a cardboard box and send my children to beg on the street corners. I’m forcing myself to carve out time for horseback riding, kayaking, having a margarita with friends on Taco Tuesday, etc, but I still have that song on repeat in the back of my head like a catchy Bee Gees’—”you should be wriii-iiiting, yeah.”

Unholy Pleasures (Half-Breed Series, book 4) will head to the editor next week, and I’ll get on a plane to Northern Italy where I will look at old buildings, eat lots of really good food, and shout at people in English because everyone knows that if you talk loud enough, others will suddenly understand your language. During that time, there will be no word-count goals, no deadlines, no to-do lists. Actually there will be to-do lists because I will lug my five different planners and journals on the plane with me along with an assortment of colored pens and stickers, otherwise I would have a panic attack in Italy.

But besides my planner obsession, I will relax.  Now, mind you, relaxation for me isn’t the same as for other people.  I’ll still post pictures on Facebook of random weird stuff. I may do a blog post. And I will write—I just won’t write with goals or a deadline. I’m going to play around with whatever I feel like, throwing words on the screen for whatever strikes my fancy.  It might be the last Half-Breed series book (5). It might be Queen of the Damned (Imp book 9). It might be one of the Northern Wolves books. It might be Dark Crossroads (Templar 5), or the sci-fi, or something for that mystery pen-name, or a new series/book.  Doesn’t matter, because I need this time to re-set my frantic self and settle into a more sustainable groove—one where I don’t see burnout looming on the horizon. Burnout or a heart-attack from all the pizza and ass-in-the-chair.

So, expect Unholy Pleasures either the tail-end of May or early June, then maybe some random stuff from me until Queen of the Damned comes out sometime in late July/early August. And if you haven’t yet, go buy Far From Center. Otherwise you’re going to be complaining when you read Queen of the Damned that you didn’t know X, Y, or Z. Just warning you!

Amazon UK


    • queenbeeanada

    • 8 years ago

    bring me back a toy!

    • Atene Angione

    • 8 years ago

    Enjoy..Lord knows you deserve it..heck we all do..that’s why I too am on vacation…no Italy..just our second home…soon to be primary!!!
    Enjoy…the sun will still come up and go down without you at your coomputer..life is so short..enjoy!!

    • Alona

    • 8 years ago

    Have a fantastic time in Italy! It is a much deserved vacation for you! I love love love your books! I am re-reading IMP series/IMP world (from Imp Bound to Far from Center) so that I am well-prepared for Queen of the Damned!

    Looking forward to more books from an amazing writer like you!

    Much love from Calgary, AB, Canada

    • A Basque

    • 8 years ago

    Have a fantastic time in Italy! It is a much deserved vacation for you! I love love love your books! I am re-reading IMP series/IMP world (from Imp Bound to Far from Center) so that I am well-prepared for Queen of the Damned!

    Looking forward to more books from an amazing writer like you!

    Much love from Calgary, AB, Canada

    • Heather Winslow

    • 8 years ago

    Have a fabulous vacation!! I am told that Italy is beautiful. I love your work……. and it will all still be there when you return:-). ….. currently rereading Imp series for the 5th time to coincide with Rafi and Gabe’s books…… still laughing aloud and drawing peculiar stares in public. If the 5th read of a book can still inspire that kind of a reaction, you are clearly doing something right

    • Robin

    • 8 years ago

    Enjoy your vacation, you deserve it! Sleep, eat, drink and work when you want. Im right there with you on the weight gain. If that won’t make you a shut in (besides day jobs, homes, animals and children) I don’t know what will. I recently moved back to Eldersburg and the restaurants have greatly improved since i last lived here. Lol
    I’ve read almost all your books in just over a month. I’m saving 3 for my cruise to Nassau and Freeport next month.

    • Paula

    • 8 years ago

    Oh ve! Stupid Amazon! Of course, the .5 designator makes perfect sense and thy absolutely SHOULD use it. Honestly, sometimes I wonder where plain old common sense has disappeared to in this world. Of course, I am 50, so perhaps that colors my world view. Have a blast on your vacation, and eat some Tiramisu for me please!

  1. There is no vacation when you’re a creative 🙂

    • Valarie Culp

    • 8 years ago

    Can not wait for book to come out

    • srand

    • 8 years ago

    “… because clearly if I am away from my laptop for 2-3 hours, my book sales will plummet, I’ll lose my house and car, and need to live in a cardboard box and send my children to beg on the street corners.”

    You have perfectly described my partner right now. He is building an MMORPG, and even though it is going extremely well overall he is convinced that if he takes more than half a day off per week we will be homeless in a month. He finally decided to take a few days off in a row … and spent the entire time ‘adding something fun’.

  2. Originally the Half-breed series was to be 4 books with the novella being number 2.5, but Amazon won’t let us authors do .5 designations in a series, so my choice was to leave it unnumbered or make it book 3. I chose to make it 3 because otherwise it doesn’t show up on the series page at Amazon and doesn’t get e-mailed out as a series release, and (from experience) that means few series readers will pick it up. And THAT means when the next full-length book comes out I have readers mad at me because they didn’t know Amber went to Hel or the events there that lead into Unholy Pleasures. So I made the best of two not-so-great-choices *gives a hard stare at Amazon*

    And I never say never when it comes to series length. Yes, this one is over at 4.5 books, but if the muse whacks me over the head with an Amber idea in the future, I definitely will write another novel/novella/short story.

    • Jason

    • 8 years ago

    WAIT, WHAT?!?! There are only going to be five “books” in the Half-breed Series?! Also I feel a bit cheated by Cornucopia taking up a numbered spot in the Series Book order.

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