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Can’t wait for more Sam and Gregory?  Well, wait no longer! I’m participating in an anthology with five other fantasy authors –  Connie Suttle, Mark Henwick, Susan Illene, J.C. Mells, and J.T. Bock.

Here’s the summary for my short story:

The Naughty List by Debra Dunbar

Samantha Martin is an Imp, on holiday with her angelic main-squeeze, Gregory.  What better place to show an angel the true meaning of Christmas than a small Alpine resort town?  But it’s hard to keep up the impish good cheer when people are being murdered for their sinful ways.  Could the killer be. . . Santa?

This anthology won’t cost anything but your agreement to being added to all participating author’s book release alerts.  Your email won’t be sold, or used in any other way, and you can unsubscribe at any time.  Not a bad deal for six FREE short stories!

Sign up on the form below and you’ll automatically receive the anthology on December 20th.  Enjoy!!

SORRY – this anthology is no longer available. May, 14, 2016


  1. Thanks, Christy. Sometimes my hosting site has an update or gets overloaded. I’m thinking that might have been the issue since I just ran a group of tests and everything loaded okay. Seems like whatever the problem was, it’s resolved now!

    • Christy

    • 10 years ago

    Running into what I think may and major and common problem. Once you try to subscribe, the website keeps trying to load a page and keeps timing out. I’ve tried it out on multiple devices. I’m hooked, so you’re not about to lose me, but I’m betting on some general frustration from other interested parties.

  2. Hi Carol – The last two times I’ve sent it the server at Yahoo has rejected delivery. I just sent it over again. If you don’t receive it, please let me know an alternate e-mail address and I’ll be happy to try that one.

    • Carol Howcroft

    • 10 years ago

    For some reason I have not received the book although I’ve tried twice. Please could you send it to me again if possible. I’m really looking forward to reading it. Thanks.

  3. Thanks, Ryan! And if I ever jump the shark, please call me on it 😉

    • Ryan

    • 10 years ago

    Great set of stories; meets the important holiday themes related without being cloying or sappy.

    I absolutely love the Samantha Martin character. One of the major problems with paranormal/urban fantasy novels is nearly all the protagonists are female and horribly cliche. Sam is almost diametrically opposed to what a “good” protagonist is supposed to be. Her devil-may-care attitude, sociopathic inclinations, and offbeat humor is a breath of fresh air.

    I know you only have 4 more books with her as the main character planned, but I hope you can keep it going (so long as you can avoid jumping the shark) for longer than that.

  4. I’m glad you enjoyed it and found a new author to read! Three Wishes (Dar’s book) is now available for pre-order on Amazon. Release date is March 7th.

    • Sandy

    • 10 years ago

    I want to thank you for the lovely Christmas story collection. All the stories were quite good, and I loved your little story of course. (Always learn something new from you, this time Krampus.)

    Mark Henwick was a new name for me, and I have since purchased and read a couple of his works. Again, thanks; looking forward to your Dar story – soon?

  5. Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed our little present to our readers. Better than a lump of coal, huh?

    • Dafni

    • 10 years ago

    What a great short story. Loved it! I enjoyed all the stories in the anthology. Hope you have a great Christmas!

    • Catherine Cochran

    • 10 years ago

    Thank you for this free short story anthology. I have all your imp books, I just love them xxx.

  6. You’re welcome and Merry Christmas to you, too! It was a fun project for all of us.

    • Carol Howcroft

    • 10 years ago

    What a fantastic Christmas gift. Some of my favourite authors in one place. Of course, I’m really looking forward to see what Sam is upto also. Thank you and merry Christmas.

  7. Awesome! It’s a good bunch of stories – hopefully you’ll discover a new author too.

    • sandy l

    • 10 years ago

    Wonderful! You have done some really wonderful world
    building for this series, and it lends itself to these short stories. I’m all in here.

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