I’ve been following Jennifer Crusie’s Argh Ink blog posts for some time now, living vicariously as she remodels a breezeway between her kitchen and garage into an office – a writing haven. I, on the other hand, have a parlor.
You read that right. I sit on a loveseat in the parlor of our 1820’s farmhouse, with my laptop on a coffee table in front of me, or more often, on my actual lap. Which would be fine if I were just writing, but I’m also working from home most of the week at this point. So I’m on a couch, 8 hours a day, then another 3-4 hours in the evening. Yes, you’re probably imagining what that’s doing to my ever expanding ass, but that is for another blog post. Right now I’m talking about my need for an office, or at least a desk-like piece of furniture in a less highly trafficked area of the house. A few years back, Sweetie abandoned a perfectly nice office he’d built in a section of our bank barn. Heat, AC, electric, sweeping bench tables with track lighting. There is even a couch there for a quick power nap. Now it’s a mess of stored equipment and stacks of old paperwork. Sweetie and his computers (and more stacks of paperwork) are currently taking up space in what I call “the alcove
I hadn’t fixed it – thats so weird! I’ll have to check it out on my tablet.
Yeah, I’m missing my TweetDeck with all the lists, and my 2 browser windows with eight tabs open at the same time. And don’t get me started about the keyboard. I get really attached to my keyboard feel, and it’s so difficult to switch.
A friend of hubby’s brought over his Microsoft Surface RT for me to play with, and it’s pretty sweet. Tablet, but with full blown OS and Office, etc. I’m tempted, but scared I’ll blow a bunch of money and end up wanting to go back to a laptop. Decisions, decisions!
I’m on hubby’s computer this time and it looks right side-up whereas on the iPad it was upside down. Not sure if you fixed it, but just letting you know what I see.
Sorry to hear you’re having computer issues too. It’s really awful for writers because we get our computers just the way we want them and it’s tough to lose that. I’m really behind on social media because of the sharing thing. The iPad can handle some of it, but the Facebook app really sucks and Twitter has certain things I can’t do unless I’m on a desktop (like add people to lists).
My husband plays those really interactive games like Lord of the Rings and Star Wars that definitely have to be done on a desktop. Heck his computer is actually designed specifically for gaming with it’s memory and graphics. My dad has our laptop at the moment. I could get it back, but one jiggle of the power cord shuts it down. That means I have to be totally stationary. Before that, I used it to write in bed. A great and comfortable way to write, but no longer an option. Yeah, I need a new computer too.
So funny – the picture is right side up on my computer, but Facebook shows if upside down. And it seems others are seeing it that way too. I may just leave it – it DOES explain a lot. Of course, if hubby could work on the ceiling and I could work on the floor, it might solve our space issue. I’d probably get a lot of coffee spilled on my head, though.
My laptop died a few weeks back too. I agree, the tablet isn’t great for writing, even with the keyboard attachment. I’m woking off an ancient spare until I can bring my cheap self to spend the $$ for a new one.
Maybe your hubby can play his game on the IPad? Or you can send him out on a lot of errands? Or to play golf with his buddies? Ugh, I feel your pain!
Susan A.
Is that alcove upside down? This would explain a few things about you, lol. Hope you get your space back soon. As for me, I live in an apartment so my options are very limited. To make matters worse, my 5+ year old computer bit the dust a couple of weeks ago so we’re sharing my husband’s much newer and nicer one that sits in the spare bedroom. Unfortunately, he likes to play video games all the time, which has cut down considerably on the time I can spend writing and managing my blogs. I may have to revert back to writing on the ipad (it has a keyboard attachment) but I’m not a big fan of this method. It’s fine for checking email and doing little things, but the screen is a bit small for long hours of writing.