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A Demon Bound Cover*This  blog post will move to a FAQ page in a few weeks*

I’ve gotten a lot of questions about various books in the Imp Series, and thought it might be fun to put together a sort of FAQ blog post.  If I don’t cover something you’ve been dying to ask, please put it in the comments and I’ll do my best to answer it without spoilers.

  • Why isn’t there more explicit sex in the Imp Books?  They seem pretty tame in this area compared with other urban/contemporary fantasy novels.

Don’t kill me, but in my first draft of the early books, there was FAR more sex, and the scenes were more explicit.  Elven Blood, in particular, had quite a few explicit scenes between Sam and Wyatt that were toned down and/or removed.  Sam is pretty crass, and between the violence and the huge amount of cursing she does, I felt explicit sex would just put the books over the top.

That’s not saying there won’t be more spice in the last book.  I haven’t decided that one yet – and it will depend on the overall tone/flow of the book.  A few of the spin-offs will have a higher heat level.  Look for the series including Amber (Demons of Desire will be out summer 2014), and Leethu’s book (2015 TBD).  Those sex demons won’t let me put the lid on the steamy stuff!

  • Will there be audio editions?  Editions in other languages?

A Demon Bound is already available in audio, and I’m hoping to have Satan’s Sword and Elven Blood in audio by the end of 2014.  I do plan to publish audio editions of all my books since I realize lots of “readers


  1. Dar’s story is in Three Wishes.

    • Mary

    • 6 years ago

    Hi. Thank you for entertaining me with the world you created. Somewhere along the way, I missed what happened in Chicago when Wyatt traveled there for a meeting and Dar needed a vacation in Angel of Chaos. Next thing I know, Dar has an angel partner and Wyatt and Sam are not really together in Kingdom of Lies. I’m glad another reader asked about Nyalla and the ghoul, so I just finished Stolen Souls. Is there another offshoot I missed or did my book skip ahead when I fell asleep one night reading?

    • Michelle B

    • 8 years ago

    Thank you so much.

  2. Stolen Souls is the book with Nyalla and the ghoul. Read it and you’ll see how far Nyalla has come since her slavery with the elves 🙂

    • Michelle B

    • 8 years ago

    Hi. I am up to Kingdom of lies in the Imp series and they keep referring back to Nyalla and the ghoul incident and for the life of me I cannot remember anything about that . Can you please tell me what book was that in.

  3. It’s the next novel – book 6 in Sam’s adventures

    • Shiina

    • 10 years ago

    Is Angel of Chaos the next novel in the Imp franchise or is it a stand alone novel/novella?

    • Jesse McKee

    • 10 years ago

    Thanks you for writing me back you have made my week. Your answer was beyond anything I expected. Thanks you again

  4. Hierarchy in Hel is calculated on an individual basis, but certain demon types tend to cluster around the same level. Imps are in the lower third – above the Low and above the sex demons. Imps can pack a significant punch power-wise, but they like to keep it hidden so they’re underestimated and gain an advantage in a fight – so they tend to be ranked lower than they probably should be. It’s one of the reason’s Sam was so irritated to be stuck with the Iblis sword – kind of hard to fly under the radar with a big target like that on her back!

    As for Dar – well, you’ll just have to wait for Three Wishes (his story), which comes out late, fall to see!

    • Jesse McKee

    • 10 years ago

    You always say Sam is just a imp but you never really explain where in the demon hierarchy a imp is. Also what is Dar?

  5. Awesome!!

    • suzi

    • 11 years ago

    I did a search for curly red heads, and found what I think is a hair model. A little later in photoshop, and I have a Gregory for you!


    Original: http://content.latest-hairstyles.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/thick-and-curly.jpg

  6. The difficult thing with having a hero like Gregory in the books is that there isn’t much he can’t conquer with a wave of his hand. Sam’s pretty good at getting herself into and out of trouble on her own. I especially wanted her to have talents that were different and complimented his – and have her save the big powerful angel once in a while!

  7. I haven’t seen any fan art – let me know if you come across any! I’m kind of ashamed to admit it, but I rarely watch TV or movies, so I don’t have much idea who the various actors are outside a handful of A-listers. If I ever made it big and landed an HBO series, I have no idea who they’d cast!

    • suzi

    • 11 years ago

    Have you seen any fan art for the Imp series? Is there anyone in the real world that you picture for your characters like Wyatt and Gregory? I think of gregory, and just see a waxen face with black eyes and curly red hair. This one is pretty, but not Gregory: http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/28500000/-Supernatural-angels-love-angels-28537375-1200-600.jpg

    • amanda

    • 11 years ago

    Yeah I wouldn’t mind if you got to Book 12, I love Sam, this is by far my favorite book series 🙂 writers tend to make the lead female weak, and even when their not they ALWAYS need help, I love how Sam always gets herself out of trouble, although I do LOVE Greg, probly the best male lead ever! So sexy 🙂 I really don’t mind when he saves same.. Its just sexy 🙂 I like the mystery with him 🙂

    • Joe

    • 11 years ago

    If you decide to keep writing to #12, I definitely wouldn’t complain. 🙂

  8. Sam will have brief cameos in a few of the later spin-off novels. It’s difficult to have her make an appearance since she tends to steal the limelight – such an attention-hog! She’ll pop in where it makes sense in the plot, but she won’t be in every book.
    Stolen Souls and Demons of Desire both take place while she’s still stuck in Hel, so although she’s mentioned, Sam won’t be in those two.

    • Lauren

    • 11 years ago

    will sam have many cameo apperances in the spin offs

  9. Ah, Jana – I can’t reveal any spoilers! For that one, you’ll just have to wait and see.

    • Jana Gundy

    • 11 years ago

    Will Sam stick with one guy at the conclusion of the series or does she keep both?

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