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Imp Forsaken Cover Web VersionIt’s out, and three days early, too!  Thank you to my editor, Dionne Lister who probably has no hair left on her head in trying to get the edits to me on time, and thank you to Anessa Books for the super speedy job coding and loading.

“Sam is banished to Hel, the bond with her angel, Gregory, broken. Six Elven kingdoms are battling for supremacy, and she’s broken and injured in the middle of the most hostile one. Shooting the top off a royal throne, committing fraud in the completion of a contract, and threatening a high lord hasn’t endeared her to the elves, either. If she wants to free the enslaved humans they hold, she’ll need to find a way to help unite their kingdoms.

But elves aren’t the only problem facing Sam. The ancient demon, Ahriman is holding her to the terms and conditions of the breeding contract she signed – and one thousand years under his claw is looking to be the most terrifying thing in all of Hel.”

I’ll add Links as they come online, but here’s what’s up so far:



  1. Thanks for reading – we’ll see what my muse has to say about more than six 😉

    • Kahlan

    • 11 years ago

    Looking forward to them! Secretly hoping for more than six books though! =)

  2. Thanks for reading – I hope you enjoy Devil’s Paw and Imp Forsaken as much as the others!
    Yes, there will be at least one more Imp Series book this summer (Book 6), and I’ll be releasing a bunch of spin-off novels this coming year, too.

    • Kahlan

    • 11 years ago

    Looking forward to reading this one as I devour my way through the rest of the books. I’ve managed to make my way through book #2 and #3 today and am giving my e-reader a break to charge before I start in on the 4th & 5th.

    Is there going to be more in this series or does it end at 5? If it isn’t obvious I hope it doesn’t end! 🙂

  3. Thanks, Dionne!

  4. So happy you got it out in time and I still have hair left :). I enjoyed reading it. I think I have the best job in the world :).

  5. I’m glad you’re enjoying the series, Suzi. Thanks for reading!

    • Suzi

    • 11 years ago

    I want to let you know how very much I enjoyed imp 5 and the series as a whole. Your characters are wonderful! I don’t want to post any spoilers, but I’m going to go back and reread the set! I love gregory and Sam, and the changes they’ve brought to each other.

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